Friday, December 16, 2011


THIS is a legend.

Below is the modern-day dictionary meaning of a legend.
1. a popular story handed down from earlier times whose truth has not been ascertained
2. a group of such stories: the Arthurian legend
3. a modern story that has taken on the characteristics of a traditional legendary tale
4. a person whose fame or notoriety makes him a source of exaggerated or romanticized tales or exploits
5. an inscription or title, as on a coin or beneath a coat of arms
6. explanatory matter accompanying a table, map, chart, etc
7. a story of the life of a saint

NOT what the TV weenies tell you. Nothing that happened yesterday, last year, last century or last minute, as the TV weenies, particularly mindless sportscasters, would have you believe, is a legend or is legendary.

It has become, in the mindless pap of TV that seems so acceptable nowadays, another overused and improperly used word to mean significant and memorable talent that we all should or do consider as a legend in our own time.

It is mindless TV pap designed to save time. You or I could be legends in our own time if it meant they could save another 30 seconds to show that ad we've all seen a million times.


  1. True. But those two "mad hatters" in the picture are doing their damndest to make legendary status. Coouple of goofballs, they are.
    Happy Christmas, goofies!

  2. Dinah! How's things Down Undah? It's Down Undah Dinah! Who? Donn & I or Hymie or who? Merry Christmas to you and yours too! You're so...legendary!
