Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ho Hum

All the rage that is causing media types to fall over themselves with analysis, etc., of the Republican presidential race in the U.S. is absurd. Let's face it--the U.S. Republicans are a bunch of right-wing whackos, many of whom believe that the world will end tomorrow.

Even though life has continued as usual EVERY TIME the world was supposed to end or what have you.

Don't these people, who are otherwise intelligent, 21st-century inhabitants of a world that will NOT end tomorrow, or any time soon, learn? We are the most evolved beings on the planet. We have the intelligence to LEARN.

The majority of us do it gently, factually, WITH facts. NOT unproven, invisible concepts or fairytales that other humans have developed and written to give us hope in the absence of any other explanation about the origins of life.

Year after year, scientists try to debunk this stupid religion thing and the notion that we could have been God's Creation last week or anytime recently. This is despite all the evidence to the contrary. It defies all logic.

But who ever cared about logic? Certainly not Evangelicals or those who believe in any other religion. WE invented religion because people who can't bare the thought that we die, and that's it, can't handle the concept that we just die and go away.

It's like these people need to be slapped in the face or have cold water poured on them to get them to come to their senses, which aren't sensible at all. Dinosaur bones have repeatedly been found. There is no proof that God existed.

Still, there's a HUGE percentage of people who WANT to believe and any amount of logic or proof or anything means little to them. TO them, they believe, and that's good enough. That's why they call it faith.

They BELIEVE despite everything because they WANT to believe. It seems that's what FAITH is -- the belief, despite all the proof to the contrary, that their God exists. The point is, there's NO WAY of positively proving NO GOD exists.

So in their mind, he MUST exist.


  1. Trouble is...the other side is damn' near as whacky!

  2. I beg to disagree, Dinah. The Republicans are the Bible thumpers, the Johnny Hayseeds of the U.S. They're the Evangelicals. They believe, some of them, that if they click their boots together 3 times, they will go poof and into some other dimension, safely away when The Rapture comes and gets us sinners and non-believers. The Democrats are at least living in this decade and leave religion OUT of the whole thing.

  3. i LIVE here and it's scary! the sad thing is that most of us here in the USA have forgotten US history or never really knew it. we've become a nation of soundbite historians and have cobbled together knowledge of the constitution from movies and hearsay! jefferson and the foundling fathers are rolling over in their graves over the foolishness being spread in their names! americans have forgotten that freedom OF religion also means freedom FROM religion.

  4. Savannah: Forward thinkers like you will save it. You've got sense and context. You will have the werewithal to save it. Sense means something.

  5. we are all whacky in our own way. the problem is we refuse to take responsibility for the craziness in our world and so we point our fingers at the person(s) next to or cross from us. (or the other political party) it doesn't matter; stupidity is running rampant!

  6. Inside Our Hands, Outside Our Hearts: You apparently have re-invented yourself. So have I, in a manner of speaking. You appear to not be commenting on your blog. I left you a comment or two there. No response. No way that I knew of contacting you. Send me your email address if you care to. Mine is on here I think. Yours doesn't appear to be on yours. Just in case,
